72. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3)


The below information is extensively based in information taken from the PowerShell® Notes for Professionals book. I plan to extend this information based on my day to day usage of the language.

  • BucketName : The name of the AWS S3 bucket that you are operating on.
  • CannedACLName : The name of the built-in (pre-defined) Access Control List (ACL) that will be associated with the S3 bucket.
  • File - The name of a file on the local filesystem that will be uploaded to an AWS S3 Bucket.

This documentation focuses on developing against the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3). S3 is truly a simple service to interact with. You create S3 "buckets" which can contain zero or more "objects."

Once you create a bucket, you can upload files or arbitrary data into the S3 bucket as an "object." You reference S3 objects, inside of a bucket, by the object's "key" (name).

72.1: Create a new S3 Bucket

New-S3Bucket -BucketName trevor

The Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket name must be globally unique. This means that if someone else has already used the bucket name that you want to use, then you must decide on a new name.

72.2: Upload a Local File Into an S3 Bucket

Set-Content -Path myfile.txt -Value 'PowerShell Rocks'
Write-S3Object -BucketName powershell -File myfile.txt

Uploading files from your local filesystem into AWS S3 is easy, using the Write-S3Object command. In its most basic form, you only need to specify the -BucketName parameter, to indicate which S3 bucket you want to upload a file into, and the -File parameter, which indicates the relative or absolute path to the local file that you want to upload into the S3 bucket.

72.3: Delete a S3 Bucket

Get-S3Object -BucketName powershell | Remove-S3Object -Force
Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName powershell -Force

In order to remove a S3 bucket, you must first remove all of the S3 objects that are stored inside of the bucket, provided you have permission to do so. In the above example, we are retrieving a list of all the objects inside a bucket, and then piping them into the Remove-S3Object command to delete them. Once all of the objects have been removed, we can use the Remove-S3Bucket command to delete the bucket.